Care Search​

Loyal’s Care Search maintains and optimizes the results that patients see. It uses algorithmic search and typeahead suggestions to help patients make search-based decisions.

Care Search Graphic

Improve Your System

Maintain Current Data

Present information in a way that is up-to-date and intuitive for consumers to find.

Show Relevant Results

Display provider information based on specific patient needs.

Make it Simple

Show provider availability and allow scheduling directly in search results.

Interface showing ability to rank providers to determine their search result order

Promote Relevant Providers

Manage searchable provider content with applicable search terms and specialties so agents can quickly find provider matches for patients.

Surface Clear Results

Leverage machine learning so patients can search for a provider with conversational text, typeahead suggestions, and advanced filtering, and offer consolidated, relevant results.

Search results after a specific set of search terms, with additional filtering options and schedule built in for each listed care provider
Google listing with built in Scheduling links

Schedule from Google

Surface provider availability and allow patients to schedule appointments from Google results pages.

Customize Your Brand

Create a consistent, branded experience by choosing colors and other settings for your search interface.

Interface showing custom branding configuration options

Care Search FAQs

Yes. We don’t use a separate website or landing page for Care Search, so your users stay on your website throughout their journey.

Yes. Loyal’s system is whitelabel, so health systems can use their own brand colors, fonts, etc., and make it their own.

Care Search leverages our Artificial Intelligence (AI) Engine (Natural Language Processing) and Data Management to ensure accuracy.

Yes, you can control what order providers show up in and/or what specialties show up.

Since rankings rules for the two are different, the results are different.

Yes, Care Search can incorporate existing tools from your tech stack, and works with Loyal’s solutions (such as Transparency & Web Scheduling).

Transform Your Care

Let’s explore how Loyal can improve your health system operations and the health of the consumers you serve.