Explore our latest thinking, industry insights, and success stories.

How health systems can set a robust governance strategy over clinical taxonomy
By Rachelle Montano, MS, RD, MBA, VP of Clinical Strategy at Loyal Having a structured clinical taxonomy system in place is key to ensuring healthcare

5 Best Practice for Live Chat
Consumer experience is heavily influenced by customer service. That’s why it’s important for healthcare providers to implement solutions that address common customer service issues. According

Should You Build Your Own Chatbot?
Chatbots are everywhere today – and for good reason. They offer a flexible solution for organizations to automate tasks, improve the consumer experience, or to

Chatbot 102: Breaking Down Even More Terminology
We’re back! Previously, we broke down some of the common terminology associated with chatbot technology (if you missed it, read it here). As with any

The Importance of Context in a Chatbot Conversation
In a relay race, one of the most important moments takes place when the two runners exchange the baton. If the handoff is clumsy and

How Healthcare Consumers Communicate With Chatbots
As conversations between healthcare consumers and chatbots continue to increase, the question of how consumers interact with the platform becomes increasingly more important to understand.

Chatbot 101: Breaking Down the Terminology
New technologies always introduce a slew of new terminologies and jargon. Computers introduced terms like computer bug, floppy disk, byte, and cookie, to name a

Healthcare Chatbots: Preparing to Chat
Adding a chatbot to your health system website might seem daunting, but all it takes is the right combination of preparation, training, and asking the

Calculating ROI for Your Chatbot Investment
How do you know if a chat platform is providing a good return on investment (ROI) for your healthcare system? After all, we all want

Establishing a Governance Structure for Doctor Reviews
You’ve made the decision to embrace transparency and publish physician reviews on your health system website. But being transparent doesn’t mean you’ll automatically publish every