On February 1, the teams at Loyal and LifePoint rolled out “Go Red” themed chatbots for LifePoint’s healthcare system across 65+ different hospital websites as part of a system-wide campaign to promote Heart Health Awareness Month. All of the sites went live at 8:30 a.m. in their respective time zones with updated Calls to Action (CTAs) and chat topics specific to Heart Health Awareness at the ready – an enterprise-wide campaign complementing LifePoint’s existing marketing efforts.
A deployment of enterprise-wide chatbots of this size and scale was a new undertaking for both Loyal and LifePoint. Options included a Heart Health Assessment, a Heart Health Events calendar, “28 Days of Heart” articles and clinical services such as Calcium Score Screening and Cardiac Rehabilitation.

“The personalization on this project was key. The Loyal team asked ‘How can we help you help your patients improve their heart health?’ Once they gathered the information for the rollout by facility, our marketing directors and coordinators worked side-by-side with clinicians to determine the right focus for each one. Loyal’s production team and development team made sure everything was running smoothly and was ready on time,” noted Kelly Fitzgerald, LifePoint’s Director of Digital Access & Engagement.
Consumers could continue to find answers to their general healthcare questions via the chatbot, and for the month of February, they could also access heart health specific information and assessments. From information gathered during chatbot conversations and online assessments, patients could also connect with the right clinicians for appointments, streamlining the healthcare experience for both the consumer and the health system, with a focus on Heart Health Awareness for February.
Ultimately, LifePoint’s goal for this addition to its marketing efforts was to build more awareness of its hospitals’ cardiac services, giving their consumers at facilities across the country a chance to explore the full breadth of their heart health awareness options, starting from one central place (the chatbot). This was LifePoint’s first enterprise-wide, facility-focused chatbot deployment.
“The Loyal team made it seamless to gather and organize ideas for the rollout, then make it happen,” said Fitzgerald.
LifePoint’s hospital marketing directors and marketing coordinators worked together to determine which options in the chatbot would be most beneficial to their individual communities.
Jennifer, a Go Red chatbot user from Virginia, said, “The chatbot was easy to use, very intuitive. I even got a phone call that same night asking if I wanted to make an appointment with a cardiologist. I would definitely use the tool again. It’s quick and easy, and a great way to get a baseline idea of your [heart] health status.”
The Loyal team hopes that in future, chatbots will be viewed as another channel for marketing teams to utilize when planning all their campaigns. LifePoint is excited to talk about the next opportunity to put chatbots in place for campaigns, further advancing its mission of Making Communities Healthier.
The Go Red updates evolved through conversations about how to complement LifePoint’s already-existing marketing efforts with intention. Both Loyal and LifePoint were excited at the possibility of making a Go Red theme happen across all of the websites in time for rollout on February 1. Discussions and strategizing for the deployment started in December 2021, and creation and implementation took place through January 2022, culminating in the monumental deployment on February 1.
“The focus on Heart Health Awareness and Go Red chatbot themes should generate more organic SEO for LifePoint, create an authentic voice of communication with consumers and patients, and the personification of the chatbot hopefully entices consumers to look further, ask more questions, and own their healthcare journeys,” said Matt King, Senior Strategic Account Manager, Customer Success, Loyal.
Loyal started the process by reaching out to marketing contacts at each of the LifePoint locations for detailed information about their current Heart Health Awareness Month plans. Then they assessed that input to determine what Go Red options would pair best with currently-planned Heart Health Awareness marketing campaigns. CTAs, chat topics and chatbot responses for each individual site were designed accordingly, along with personalized chatbot profiles, ensuring that each health system had a Go Red campaign tailored to their needs and their consumers’ needs. From there, creation and implementation of the Go Red chatbots and CTAs were ready for deployment by February 1.
Go Red chatbot conversations engaged consumers across all geographical areas of the U.S.

Throughout the month of February, there was a little more than 5 times the volume of heart-related conversations overall than in previous months with the chatbot. This included a significant number of heart health assessments and future patients asking for more information about cardiac rehabilitation facilities at LifePoint.
“This is a huge accomplishment for LifePoint, deploying value at scale, and Loyal!”
– Matt King
Loyal’s Customer Success and Product teams were led by Cam Liao, Product Analyst, and Matt King, Senior Strategic Account Manager, Customer Success, and included Product Analysts Jack Wu, Soyoun Park, Rachida Aboubacar, Dillon Flannery and Alyssa Ksiazek.
Read more about another great Loyal partnership with UCLA Health here!